We want your feedback on our new website!

How do you like the new ETH Library website? We would love to hear your opinion.

Person, die am Laptop sitzt und Feedback gibt

To help you give us your feedback, we have drawn up some questions as a starting point:

  • What do you like about our website? What could we improve?
  • What is your favourite function or content on the new website?
  • Do you find it quick and easy to access the relevant information?
  • Is there any content that you were unable to find on our website, or which you had to spend a long time searching for?
  • Does the website allow you to quickly and intuitively search for media in the ETH Library’s search portal?

Have you visited the ETH Library website yet? Explore it now.

We look forward to receiving your feedback by 16 November 2020 via the following channels:

#FocusHuman – Be inspired by people and learn something new.

#ETHLibraryDigital – ETH Library is there for you digitally with various resources and services, not only during the COVID-19 protective measures.

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